Morgan Kamocki Allaby

Ceramic art of the male body

About Morgan Kamocki Allaby

My work explores sexuality and queerness with arrangements of masculine hybrid figures. I represent various body types and personalities in situations ranging from animalistic showdowns to affectionate embraces. I seek to challenge and engage the viewer with depiction of touch between males, and the use of animal features in these tableaus serves to make this conversation more complex. The hybrid faces I work with do not represent any one animal in particular, but are an amalgam that is capable of a breadth of human expression while being simultaneously removed from humanity.

My work often has limited scenery or visual context, leaving my figures and their interactions as the focal point in a void. Sometimes my figures appear in a natural rocky or wooded setting, with their nude bodies exposed to the elements.

I have exhibited in Waterloo, Hamilton, Banff, and Toronto. In 2014 I completed a 2 month residency at Centre3 for Print and Media Arts, and recently produced a solo exhibition of porcelain figures for the Carnegie Gallery in Dundas.
